Alex BecianaHomepage

Recent posts

Alex Beciana | Blog Post | Creating a Responsive Search in React
Creating a Responsive Search in React - Apr 26th 21
I'm going to do another one-off blog post on a subject that I've seen people to create a responsive search bar in React.
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | Web Development Tricks for Marketers
Web Development Tricks for Marketers - Apr 19th 21
This blog post is aimed at helping non-technical marketing professionals, especially entry-level marketers, who don't have the basic experience of using HTML.
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | State Management with Redux, Part 4
State Management with Redux, Part 4 - Apr 12th 21
State Management
In this series, I want to go over the who, what, and why of Redux as a tool, separate from React, and then go over the popular combination of React and Redux.
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | State Management with Redux, Part 3
State Management with Redux, Part 3 - Apr 5th 21
State Management
In this series, I want to go over the who, what, and why of Redux as a tool, separate from React, and then go over the popular combination of React and Redux.

All posts

Alex Beciana | Blog Post | Demystifying APIs for Beginners
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | Flatiron School Mod 2 UX Design Crash Course
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | Creating a Portfolio Blog Site using Gatsby and NetlifyCMS
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | rcli_app, A Ruby Gem for Beginners
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | Le Cine, a Virtual Film Club Management App
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | #1 OOP Series: Introduction
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | #2 OOP Series: Classes and Instances
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | #2a OOP Series: Classes and Instances
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | #2b OOP Series: Attributes (Getter and Setter Methods)
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | #3 OOP Series: Relationships and Associations, Part 1
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | #4 OOP Series: Relationships and Associations, Part 2
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | #5 OOP Series: Relationships and Associations, Part 3
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | #6 OOP Series: An Intro to ORMs and ActiveRecord
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | What I've learned since graduating from a coding bootcamp, Part 1
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | What I've learned since graduating from a coding bootcamp, Part 2
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | State Management with Redux, Part 1
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | State Management with Redux, Part 2
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | State Management with Redux, Part 3
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | State Management with Redux, Part 4
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | Web Development Tricks for Marketers
Alex Beciana | Blog Post | Creating a Responsive Search in React